ANHBC Housing
ANHBC proudly runs several housing sites, currently delivered by our Kitsilano Neighbourhood House.
Arbutus Housing
4105 Arbutus Street, Vancouver
With the opening of xwƛ̓əpicən Housing Community, it is a privilege to connect deeply with our Westside neighbours, and the operation of the 56 lower-end-of-market units will help these relationships within our communities grow! We know that affordable and social housing is highly limited on the Westside. We are excited to see xwƛ̓əpicən Housing Community be filled with young families, seniors and other neighbours! Our participation in the delivery of housing in the Arbutus Neighbourhood is defined by the community and their hopes and dreams. We are proud to walk alongside them in meeting their housing needs.
We are also continuing in our partnership with Larco and the City of Vancouver to add a neighbourhood house to the Arbutus site, expected to open in 2023. Like our other neighbourhood houses, the new House will be a welcoming place for everyone in the neighbourhood, and will strengthen ties within the xwƛ̓əpicən building and the wider Arbutus community!
For more information about Arbutus Housing, please visit Kitsilano Neighbourhood House’s website.
Red Oak Place
2305 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver
Red Oak Place Housing is an innovative place that meets the need for affordable seniors housing on Vancouver’s Westside. Located above the Neighbourhood House and its Daycare, there are fifteen, one-bedroom units for low-income seniors.
Tenants at Red Oaks Housing have a unique housing experience, being at the centre of a thriving, inclusive, vibrant, and welcoming community. Kits House is a lively hub for Westside residents to connect, share and build community together.
For more information about Red Oaks Place, please visit Kitsilano Neighbourhood House’s website.
Linden Tree Place
2304 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver
Linden Tree Place is a unique housing development with 30 units that are designed for older adults who are able to live independently along with people with spinal-cord injuries who enjoy sharing their skills, ideas, time and enthusiasm with their neighbours and their community.
For more information about Linden Tree Place, please visit Kitsilano Neighbourhood House’s website.
ANHBC Partnerships
Alexandra Housing Society
Alexandra Place
2450 Penticton Street, Vancouver
The Alexandra Housing Society was incorporated in the fall of 1984 with a mandate to provide and maintain housing for persons of low income.
The Society entered into a contractual agreement with Canada Mortgage and Housing in December 1984 to construct a 24 unit housing project providing accommodation for low and moderate income families and individuals. Alexandra Place is located off East Broadway near Vancouver Tech Secondary School. The project has mixed subsidized and market-rate units.
George Whiten Place
2875 E 6th Avenue, Vancouver
In 1989, the Society entered into a second agreement with BC Housing Management Corporation to construct and maintain a 23-unit housing project to provide low income families with subsidized housing. This project, called the George Whiten Place, is adjacent to Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House.
Since their inception, the Society has been involved in the maintenance of the two housing projects.
Both properties are managed by Sch’ eyk Housing Society.
Sch’ eyk Housing Society
Property Management
814-540 East Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6A 1P8
Tel: 604-253-4720 X 102
Email :
``We know that affordable and social housing is highly limited on the Westside. We are excited to see xwƛ̓əpicən Housing Community be filled with young families, seniors and other neighbours, and the future home of Arbutus Neighbourhood House!``