Paying It Forward

Amy Majam’s ANHBC journey began sixteen years ago, shortly after she immigrated to Canada from the Philippines. At the time, she had enrolled in a settlement employment program at the Immigrant Services Society of BC, which she credits immensely...

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Finding My Purpose

Aaniin, boozhoo, indinawemaaganidook. Natasha Meryl Miskwaa Dibik Giizis nindizhnikaaz. Mikinak nindodem. Michi Saagiig nindoonjiibaa. Hello, all my relatives. My name is Natasha Meryl Miskwaa Dibik Giizis. Turtle is my totem. Michi Saagig is where I am from. My role within ANHBC...

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Honouring Child Care Staff: Stefani’s Story

ANHBC’s Childcare Directors and staff play an instrumental role in providing exceptional care to families of all backgrounds. Beyond fostering an inclusive, nurturing environment, they create opportunities for children to grow alongside their community. To honour Child Care Month...

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Impact: Newcomers & Refugees

The Next Summer Stories Series follows Ghfran Alkour and her family, and how they found a new and welcoming community at the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House after coming to Canada from Syria. We hope you enjoy their story! When you...

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Impact: Youth Belonging

This Neighbourhood House Impact Story is shared by Kiko Kung (they/them), Youth Engagement Facilitator from Alexandra Neighbourhood House. Written in their own words, Kiko's story it is one of belonging, inclusive safe spaces, and strong youth voices. We hope...

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