Finding My Purpose

Aaniin, boozhoo, indinawemaaganidook. Natasha Meryl Miskwaa Dibik Giizis nindizhnikaaz. Mikinak nindodem. Michi Saagiig nindoonjiibaa. Hello, all my relatives. My name is Natasha Meryl Miskwaa Dibik Giizis. Turtle is my totem. Michi Saagig is where I am from. My role within ANHBC...

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Impact: Decolonization

Our next story from our Summer Series comes from Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House, and is shared by Norm Leech. Neighbourhood houses across the Lower Mainland have the honour of deep and ongoing relationships with Norm Leech (T’it’q’et, St’at’imc Nation),...

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

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Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Now Hiring 2 Positions

Infant/Toddler Supervisor (Open until filled) School Age Supervisor (Open until filled)

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Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Now Hiring Indigenous Youth Employment Program (IYEP) Coordinator

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Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Now Hiring Director of Family and Seniors Services

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Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Hiring Newcomer Youth Coordinator

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Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Now Hiring Indigenous Youth Employment Program (IYEP) Assistant

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2 New Employment Opportunities at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House

Early Childhood Educator - The Village 3-5 Program (Open until filled) Preschool Early Childhood Educator (Open until filled)

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Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House Now Hiring School Age Support Worker

Click here for details!

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