Through Our Values We Build Community

Our next feature in the #GiveToGrow #SummerStorySeries is from Alicia Smith, Strategic Development Coordinator from Kitsilano Neighbourhood House, and organizer of their first Drag Storytime. Last week was Vancouver Pride, and across ANHBC neighbourhood houses and in our communities,...

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Indigenizing Our Places & Spaces

Gordon Neighbourhood House (GNH) is tucked away in the community now known as the West End of Vancouver, up from the shores of Yulkshun (Squamish place name for English Bay) and walking distance from X̱wáy̓x̱way (Squamish Village in Stanley...

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Building Connection in a New Country

Our next feature in the #GiveToGrow #SummerStorySeries is from Vinita Sud, a yoga teacher, passionate community member, and neighbourhood house Board of Directors volunteer who found meaning and connection at Alex Neighbourhood House. We hope you enjoy Vini’s story,...

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Belonging in Unceded Territory

Belonging in Unceded Territory is a project that deeply explores and questions our situation as uninvited guests on the unceded and stolen territories of the Coast Salish peoples. It asks us how we reconcile the fact that we are...

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Food Security & Community Connections: Rizalina’s Story

Neighbourhood houses in December are buzzing with excitement, celebration and soul-warming food. Whether it’s our childcare programs decorating the halls of our houses with stars and stockings, seniors joining together to share songs of peace, or neighbourhood families gathering...

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Impact: Newcomers & Belonging

This week's Summer Story comes from Rap, a participant from South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (SVNH). Rap was referred to the SVNH by a friend of hers, and this is where Rap met Julie Desta, the Community Engagement Programmer at...

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Impact: Newcomers & Refugees

The Next Summer Stories Series follows Ghfran Alkour and her family, and how they found a new and welcoming community at the Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House after coming to Canada from Syria. We hope you enjoy their story! When you...

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Impact: Decolonization

Our next story from our Summer Series comes from Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House, and is shared by Norm Leech. Neighbourhood houses across the Lower Mainland have the honour of deep and ongoing relationships with Norm Leech (T’it’q’et, St’at’imc Nation),...

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Impact: Youth Belonging

This Neighbourhood House Impact Story is shared by Kiko Kung (they/them), Youth Engagement Facilitator from Alexandra Neighbourhood House. Written in their own words, Kiko's story it is one of belonging, inclusive safe spaces, and strong youth voices. We hope...

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