Finding My Purpose

Aaniin, boozhoo, indinawemaaganidook. Natasha Meryl Miskwaa Dibik Giizis nindizhnikaaz. Mikinak nindodem. Michi Saagiig nindoonjiibaa. Hello, all my relatives. My name is Natasha Meryl Miskwaa Dibik Giizis. Turtle is my totem. Michi Saagig is where I am from. My role within ANHBC...

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Belonging in Unceded Territory

Belonging in Unceded Territory is a project that deeply explores and questions our situation as uninvited guests on the unceded and stolen territories of the Coast Salish peoples. It asks us how we reconcile the fact that we are...

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Impact: Decolonization

Our next story from our Summer Series comes from Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House, and is shared by Norm Leech. Neighbourhood houses across the Lower Mainland have the honour of deep and ongoing relationships with Norm Leech (T’it’q’et, St’at’imc Nation),...

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