Building Connection in a New Country
Our next feature in the #GiveToGrow #SummerStorySeries is from Vinita Sud, a yoga teacher, passionate community member, and neighbourhood house Board of Directors volunteer who found meaning and connection at Alex Neighbourhood House. We hope you enjoy Vini’s story, told in her own words.
Alex Neighbourhood House has played a pivotal role in my journey of life as an immigrant to Canada. After immigrating in 2005, I was very involved in the lives of my grandchildren and my daughter. When the children grew up, I was missing interaction with others around my age group, and looking for opportunities to make my own life in my new country. At that time, I was introduced to Alex House during the Alex Festival, as I was assisting a friend on her jewellery stall at the Fest.
During a conversation with my friend, she came to know that I am a yoga instructor. She suggested that I should look for space at the Alex House - my yoga classes started here in 2017!
I look at Alex House as the milestone that put me on a new path where I got recognition as a contributor to my community. It gave me an opportunity and the confidence to share my knowledge, skills and gifts.
Alex House also made me aware and sensitive to the needs of the community around me and made me realize there is so much I can do to help and feel purposeful. I volunteered for some other activities that are being conducted by Alex House, like the food bank, English Circle and Neighbourhood Small Grants. At Alex House, we prioritize intergenerational groups of people who learn from each other, which is very important.
[The programs and events I have supported or took part in] have helped me meet and make friends with so many wonderful people, in a new country. These connections inspire me in growing to be a better human being.
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