Beyond Orange Shirt Day

* Content warning * 

This post contains information about residential schools. For helplines and support, scroll to the end.


Tomorrow is the national Day of Truth and Reconciliation, but our solidarity with Indigenous movements should not stop when we change out of our Orange Shirts. Public events are important for recognizing and unlearning the colonial ways we navigate our world, but how can we avoid this becoming a purely performative gesture? Colonialism is not a thing of the past. We are living in a world structured by colonial power and devastation, and the harmful effects are ongoing and reemerging. 


Stay up to date about events disproportionately affecting Indigenous communities across Canada and the world. If you are passionate about any social justice issue, then you are passionate about Indigenous social justice issues.


Many Indigenous teachers and leaders have taken on the traumatic work of educating others. The burden of this work falls on Indigenous communities all too often. Whatever your starting point, how can you take responsibility for your unlearning on Orange Shirt Day and beyond, to make an impact in the way you live on this stolen land?


Join us in our journey of unlearning.


Books, music and arts:


News and podcasts:




Helplines and Support:


Image: Programs at Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House are coming together to make a community banner for Orange Shirt Day.