Values & Principles

Copy of OSD (20)

The Association of Neighbourhood Houses of BC (ANHBC) builds healthy and engaged neighbourhoods by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change. Our vision, mission and values guide the work of our eight neighbourhood houses and outdoor centre. 


Vision: Everyone lives in a healthy and engaged community.

Mission: ANHBC plays a leadership role in building healthy and engaged neighbourhoods by connecting people and strengthening their capacity to create change.


  • We are…
    • Place-based: We focus on strengthening our neighbourhoods and communities.
    • Inclusive: We create places where people are welcomed and feel a sense of belonging. We celebrate diversity and treat everyone with respect.
    • Collaborative: We work together with our neighbours, community members and partners, achieving success through innovation, creativity and support for one another.
  • We value…
    • Leadership: We are committed to being sector leaders and fostering leadership in staff, volunteers and participants.
    • Social justice: We believe social and economic benefits should be distributed for the benefit of all people.

ANHBC is currently in the midst of updating our strategic plan through a transformative process designed to accelerate our decolonization and anti-racism journey.

The first phase of our journey will involve finding and centring a leadership group, primarily composed of younger BIPOC folks in the ANHBC network. The plan is to work with this group as a core team to both create the bigger strategic plan and develop a capacity for enabling ongoing transformation towards an anti-racist and decolonial (and anti-colonial) future for Neighbourhood Houses. Through a process of learning, we will build this group’s ability to make change, lead others, and ultimately become the capacity-building guides for the Association. 

To learn more about ANHBC’s work, goals and values, please read our current Strategic Plan (2016-2020)

Join the Neighbourhood House Movement and help us continue our work in neighbourhoods throughout Metro Vancouver.

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