A Time for Belonging

Over the holiday season, a sense of community and belonging can feel more important than ever. Ron’s story shows just how valuable supporting neighbourhood houses can be, to empower those tackling isolation.


On any given Wednesday, you will find ninety-one-year-old Ron Fitzsimons sitting proudly in the lobby of South Vancouver Neighbourhood House — or as he fondly coins it, his “office.” Ron is more than just a familiar and friendly face at SVNH. After working for years as a barber, he stepped into the role of a community builder at SVNH with ease.

Ron’s journey at SVNH started over twenty years ago. Feeling isolated, following the loss of loved ones in his family, a barber friend recommended that Ron should check out South Vancouver Neighbourhood House to find a supportive community. Looking back, Ron openly acknowledges that “SVNH saved my life.” It became his refuge — a place where he reconnected and felt profoundly involved in something meaningful.

Within SVNH, Ron noticed something missing, especially for the seniors: a space where they could be active together. He quickly realized that chair aerobics could be just the thing to get people moving and connected.

It wasn't just about exercise for Ron; it was about creating a place where everyone, including himself, could feel inspired and engaged. He also introduced chair travel, which involved journeying to different world destinations through books & audio tapes — an accessible way to train your imagination and promote mental wellbeing. Recognizing the potential for these activities to foster movement and connection, he swiftly took the initiative. “You see something lacking, and you just do it," Ron remarked, embodying the innovative spirit that neighbourhood houses nurture. For him, it was a way to help his community stay healthy and connected, and SVNH’s environment of mutual support and encouragement allowed him to thrive, empowering himself and others.

Ron has always been a “people person” — helping members of his community feel at home is second nature. He engages with people in every setting, helping strangers feel connected in every conversation, even promoting SVNH’s food programs through small interactions at his local cafe. “Some people find it hard to talk about their problems,” Ron explains, “you have to draw it out of them.” But for Ron, connecting with people from all walks of life is driven by a heartfelt desire to build and uplift his community.

The value of neighbourhood houses isn't solely within its physical space but in its ability to unite people, to bridge gaps, and to foster a sense of togetherness. And at SVNH, Ron embodies the essence of a true community builder, working towards a common goal — bringing people together and making sure no one feels alone. Whether it's initiating chair aerobics for seniors or fostering connections within the wider community, Ron's attitude embodies the spirit of neighbourhood houses. He understands that these spaces aren't just physical locations; they are catalysts for change, progress, community and connection.


Neighbourhood houses across Metro Vancouver are home to people like Ron, who thrive when creating opportunities for others — inspiring neighbours to support one another while following their passions. Give to your local neighbourhood house to enable people like Ron to continue feeling empowered within their communities.

Thank you, Ron, for sharing your story.